Monday 21 May 2012

Preparation for the FAIS Act Exam

Multiple choice exams (The FAIS Exam is multiple choice) cover a lot of detail and facts. The short term memory’s capacity is very limited; therefore it is essential to start preparing for the regulatory exams at least 3 month prior to your examination date. The learner will have to be repeatedly subjected to the material in order to store the information effectively in the long term memory.


Although attending workshops and training will certainly be helpful, this is no replacement for extensive studying of the required material. And yes, it is necessary and very possible to study successfully for multiple choice exams!


Studying instructions


You will need:

  • A positive attitude

  • Lots of will power

  • Enough rest

  • Quiet place to study

  • Qualifying criteria

  • Recourse material


Steps to follow:


1.       Identify the regulatory examination(s) that apply to your situation

2.       Find the corresponding sets of qualifying criteria, for each of the relevant regulatory examinations that you must prepare for. See appendix B for the qualifying criteria for the regulatory level 1 exams

3.       Work through the qualifying criteria and make sure you understand them against the relevant acts and legislation

4.       Use of additional study material is advisable but optional

5.       Repeat step 3 as many times as necessary to store the factual knowledge in the long term memory

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