Friday 29 June 2012

Youth in the Financial Services Industry


The financial services industry in South Africa has been pulled into a whirlwind as of late, with all of the mandatory examinations and acts that have been called into place, financial service agents have found it difficult to keep up with the speed of the growth happening all over the country.


However, the financial service industry remains one of the highest paid sectors in the country, which continues to attract hopefuls of all ages looking to make a success of themselves. Young individuals starting university degrees in the Economics faculties have a major head start when it comes to gaining experience and insight into the financial sector, as many universities tend to focus on local markets and laws that may affect those involved in the financial industry.


How does a young person enter the financial services sector?


However, there are many ways to get into the world of financial services without having to complete a university degree (although with the competitive climate as it is, it is highly recommended in order to stand out of the crowd).


Starting at the ground floor of a company is the oldest, most trusted method of growing a career. Sure, it may take a while longer than other methods, but showing loyalty to one company and learning the basics before moving onto more hands-on tasks is something that is noticed, appreciated and valued highly in any industry. Show your willingness to learn from the big dogs, and they will more than likely be willing to take you under their wings. After all, professionals are drawn to other professionals who are willing to learn from them, and who can teach them something in return.


The Learn Café provides training to individuals and groups looking to become compliant with the FAIS Act. The courses and training are dedicated to getting the client ready to successfully complete the FAIS Regulatory Examination (Level 1).


To learn more about how to effectively develop skills that will aid you in becoming a Financial Advisor, visit The Learn Cafe’s dedicated FAIS Training website to sign up and focus on preparing for the Level 1 FAIS Regulatory Exam, which is designed for Key Individuals and Representatives.

Monday 25 June 2012

What happens if I don't write the FAIS Act exams?


Since the introduction of the FAIS Act, the South African Financial Service industry has been layered over with stipulation after stipulation. All of these terms point to one relatively simple idea: In order to continue practicing within the financial services sector, one must either be part of a service provider that has the necessary qualifications and training programs, as stipulated by the FAIS Act, or write the Mandatory Examination before the stipulated cut-off date.


The cut-off date has now been set at June 30th, 2012. Any professional affected by the FAIS Act must write the Regulatory exam by the deadline or face being debarred from further work in the industry. However, individuals who have been part of the industry since before 2010 will have until the end of September 2012 to complete the exam.


Subsequently, any professionals that started working in the industry in 2011 will have until December 2013 to complete the exam, and those who started in the first half of 2012 will have until December 2014 before risking debarment. However, it is strongly advised that the exam be written as early as possible to avoid potential glitches and mishaps.


The Learn Café provides training to individuals and groups looking to become compliant with the FAIS Act. The courses and training are dedicated to getting the client ready to successfully complete the FAIS Regulatory Examination (Level 1).


To learn more about how to effectively develop skills that will aid you in becoming a Financial Advisor, visit The Learn Cafe’s dedicated FAIS Training website to sign up and focus on preparing for the Level 1 FAIS Regulatory Exam, which is designed for Key Individuals and Representatives.


Sunday 24 June 2012

Some Last Minute Study Tips


The end of June marks the deadline for the FAIS Examination entries. Anyone who hasn’t written by the 30th of June will be debarred from practicing in the financial services industry, on condition that they do not meet the predetermined requirements for older members of the industry (additional deadlines have been stipulated at a later stage. Here are a few study tips that will be useful to anyone planning on doing some last minute studying, whether for the FAIS exams, or those dreaded Matric exams that are right around the corner:

•   It is best to review the material right after class when it's still fresh in your memory.

•   Cramming usually doesn’t work. Instead, space out your studying, review class materials at least several times a week and focus on one topic at a time.

•   Have all of your study material in front of you: lecture notes, course textbooks, study guides and any other relevant material.

•   Find a comfortable and quiet place to study with good lighting and little distractions.

•   Start out by studying the most important information.

•   Learn the general concepts first, don't worry about learning the details until you have learned the main ideas.

•   Take notes and write down a summary of the important ideas as you read through your study material.

•   Take short breaks frequently. Your memory retains the information that you study at the beginning and the end better than what you study in the middle.

•   Space out your studying, you'll learn more by studying a little every day instead of waiting to cram at the last minute. By studying every day, the material will stay in your long-term memory but if you try to study at the last moment, the material will only reside in your short-term memory that you'll easily forget.

•   Make sure that you understand the material well, don't just read through the material and try to memorize everything.

•   If you choose to study in a group, only study with others who are serious about the test.

•   Test yourself or have someone test you on the material to find out what your weak and strong areas are.

•   Listening to relaxing music such as classical or jazz on a low volume can relieve some of the boredom of studying.

•   Don't study later than the time you usually go to sleep, you may fall asleep or be tempted to go to sleep, instead try studying in the afternoon or early evening. If you are a morning person try studying in the morning.


The Learn Café provides training to individuals and groups looking to become compliant with the FAIS Act. The courses and training are dedicated to getting the client ready to successfully complete the FAIS Regulatory Examination (Level 1).


To learn more about how to effectively develop skills that will aid you in becoming a Financial Advisor, visit The Learn Cafe’s dedicated FAIS Training website to sign up and focus on preparing for the Level 1 FAIS Regulatory Exam, which is designed for Key Individuals and Representatives.

Friday 8 June 2012

"Security depends not so much upon how much you have, as upon how much you can do without." Joseph Wood Krutch
Just in case you were wondering, the deadline isn't going to be extended...not this time...
Less than 10 days left to register for the exam! Call us 011 608 2590
Warren Buffet - he was reported to have said that he would buy up millions of US homes, if it were possible.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Wednesday 6 June 2012

"Starting out to make money is the greatest mistake in life. Do what you feel you have a flair for doing, and if you are good enough at it, the money will come." Greer Garson
Have you prepared???
One way to judge the attractiveness of a share is to look at where it features amongst local unit trusts...
And the ANSWER is...
Time for our weekly Riddle!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

"Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community." Andrew Carnegie
Why is it that when you receive an extension on a deadline many people don't take the opportunity and get things done...?
Make time to study, if you don't plan to study, you won't...
With less than 30 days to the deadline both the FSB and FIA have warned that the new date is set in stone.

Monday 4 June 2012

"The only way for a rich man to be healthy is by exercise and abstinence, to live as if he were poor." William Temple
"The job of the Central Bank is to worry." Alice Rivlin
The last day on which one can register to write before the end of June is ten days from today, on 15 June! Book now before it's too late!
Have you been to one of our workshops? How did you experience it?
Hmm, signs of improved consumer spending, good for the economy?

Sunday 3 June 2012

Good morning!

The FAIS ACT Deadline is Looming

(adapted from an article by Gareth Stokes)


It is not often the Financial Services Board (FSB) and Financial Intermediaries Association (FIA) sing from the same hymn sheet. But where the 30 June 2012 deadline (extended from 31 December 2011) for regulatory exams is concerned they seem to be 100% in agreement. With less than 30 days to the deadline both the regulator and financial adviser representative body have warned that the new date is set in stone. “Time is running out for those Financial Services Providers who have not yet completed the RE Level 1 (Key individual for category I, II, IIA, III and IV) and/or RE Level 5 (Representatives of Categories I, II, IIA, III and IV excluding representatives for subcategories and 1.19) examinations,” warned the FSB. “No further extensions are being considered and it is critical that those individuals that have not yet written the examinations do so without delay.”


The FIA urged any late starters to register before 8th June 2012, to give the examination bodies 15 working days to prepare, as the actual last day of writing the exam is Friday 28th June 2012. Joe Kotzé, National Manager: Compliance at the FIA said that financial advisers must sit the exam before the June deadline in order [in the event they fail] to participate in the exam rewrite to be held in September 2012. “Those who qualify to rewrite the exam after June must also note that the final date for registering is the 6th of September in order to write on the 28th of September 2012,” he said.


The Regulatory examination statistics


After reading the respective press releases we decided to ask each of the bodies for up to date examination statistics. Surely, we mused, their ‘set in stone’ proclamation centres on actual examination statistics. How many intermediaries have taken the examination – how many of these individuals have passed – and how many still need to sit?? The FIA referred us back to the FSB… But their best ‘guess’ on the current situation, contained in their 12 April press release, is that about 60 per cent of representatives and 68 per cent of key individuals have successfully passed to date… It seems a tough ask for the remaining 40% (or so) of exam candidates to sit the exam over the next 54 working days.


Get ready for a last minute rush


Licensed FSPs will hopefully have a more accurate picture of their RE compliance. “Individual FSPs will be monitored and the FSB will communicate with them directly to update them on their individual examination status,” said Stefanie Mackenzie, Manager: FAIS Registrations. “It is the responsibility of each FSP to ensure compliance with the examination requirements.”


There are, however, concerns that many individuals have yet to sit the exam. “It is with a degree of concern that the FIA takes note of intermediaries who have so far done little to prepare for and take these exams, despite the fact that the first deadline was the end of 2011,” observed Kotzé. He offered some advice for the thousands who will flood the examination halls over the next few weeks.


Examination advice for late starters


Structured preparation is the only answer for the RE Level 1 and Level 5 exams. The following step-by-step guide should ensure success:

1)  Study the regulatory exam preparation guidelines provided by the FSB.

2)  Guidelines from page 15 onwards contain all the qualifying criteria from which the exam questions are compiled.

3)  Next to each qualifying criterion, there is a reference to the sections in the legislation that are relevant to that specific criterion. Study the text of the legislation.

4)  In the exam questions and answers, the text of the legislation often appears as is and it then becomes easy to identify the correct answers.

5)  Read through the legislation a few times and note words such as ‘must’ and ‘may’. Focus on time periods in which action must be taken on certain compliance obligations. Learn the definitions of advice, intermediary services, what is not regarded as advice or intermediary services, financial services and financial products.

6)  Focus specifically on the following tasks in the qualifying criteria from which the most questions are formulated:

a)  Representatives – tasks 1, 2, 3 and 7.

b)  Key Individuals – tasks 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13.

7)  Use other study material to refresh your memory and for practical examples of regulation.

8)  Attend a workshop to round off the preparation.

Can't sleep? Try studying, work's wonders! ;)
Many people treat financial advisors like they're meant to be what do you foresee for this week?
Get studying!
"The economy is a very sensitive organism." Hjalmar Schacht

Tuesday 29 May 2012

"We at Chrysler borrow money the old-fashioned way. We pay it back." Lee Iacocca
Funny how the DA demonstrates against tolling in Gauteng but proceeds with constructing a toll gate on Chapman's Peak...what do you think?
Just uploaded a video in YouTube. Check:
Just uploaded a video in YouTube. Check:
The clock is ticking...are you ready for the FAIS Act Exams? You could lose your job if you don't comply!
SKA good news for the economy!
Go to for information on what you need to do to pass the FAIS Act exams. Go now!

Monday 28 May 2012

"Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones." Benjamin Franklin
Do you know what it is you need to study to pass? No? Then check this out:
"Wealth is not without its advantages and the case to the contrary, although it has often been made, has never proved widely persuasive." John Kenneth Galbraith
It's hard to overstate how big a disaster the Facebook IPO has been for NASDAQ,
The JSE said listed companies would not be compelled to publish their entire results

Sunday 27 May 2012

Yip, it's Monday know it usually follows the weekend, so why is everyone so surprised when it pitches up?
"Many people are in the dark when it comes to money, and I'm going to turn on the lights."
What a week! We've had everything from art scandals, the awarding of the SKA, and ABSA causing payday headaches...what next? Only 5 weeks left!
"Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants."

Saturday 26 May 2012

Take this day and make the best of it!
"It's not the having, it's the getting."
Charles Spurgeon
"Wealth, in even the most improbable cases, manages to convey the aspect of intelligence." John Kenneth Galbraith

Preparation for the FAIS Act Exam - Study material and training

Numerous training materials have been developed by various training providers like the Learncafe for the purpose of the regulatory level 1 exams.


It should be noted that the FSB does not endorse any of these training materials.


It is advisable to still refer back to the relevant legislation as contained in the acts and regulations in order to eliminate difference in terminology use, if you decide to use designed study material and/or training.


Please note: Examination bodies may not provide training and/or study material for the regulatory exams. Examination bodies will make FSB approved study guides with reference to suggested material available; however the sourcing of appropriate study material and/or training providers is the responsibility of the candidates.

Have you written your FAIS Act regulatory exams yet? The FSB has confirmed that there will be NO EXTENSION on the deadline. Contact us asap!
Now, isn't that just great news? :)

Friday 25 May 2012

Don't forget to study though!
"You only need to make one big score in finance to be a hero forever." Merton Miller...I think the converse is also true...what do you say?
Only 5 weeks left before the deadline! Have you written your exam yet?
Planning for retirement? Be sure to get a FAIS-accredited financial advisor you can trust!

Thursday 24 May 2012

"It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money."
Albert Camus
Get rid of the BAD APPLES!

Wednesday 23 May 2012

"It is incumbent upon each of us to improve spending and savings practices to ensure our own individual financial security and preserve the collective economic well-being of our great society." Ron Lewis
So, what is Facebook really worth? Check this out:
Just uploaded a video in YouTube. Check:
Just uploaded a video in YouTube. Check:
And the answer to our Riddle for today is...
Time for our Wednesday Riddle! Check it out:
So, did you buy Facebook shares? If so then this might be a little upsetting...

Monday 21 May 2012

"Inflation is taxation without legislation." Milton Friedman
"Infinite growth of material consumption in a finite world is an impossibility." E. F. Schumacher

Preparation for the FAIS Act Exam

Multiple choice exams (The FAIS Exam is multiple choice) cover a lot of detail and facts. The short term memory’s capacity is very limited; therefore it is essential to start preparing for the regulatory exams at least 3 month prior to your examination date. The learner will have to be repeatedly subjected to the material in order to store the information effectively in the long term memory.


Although attending workshops and training will certainly be helpful, this is no replacement for extensive studying of the required material. And yes, it is necessary and very possible to study successfully for multiple choice exams!


Studying instructions


You will need:

  • A positive attitude

  • Lots of will power

  • Enough rest

  • Quiet place to study

  • Qualifying criteria

  • Recourse material


Steps to follow:


1.       Identify the regulatory examination(s) that apply to your situation

2.       Find the corresponding sets of qualifying criteria, for each of the relevant regulatory examinations that you must prepare for. See appendix B for the qualifying criteria for the regulatory level 1 exams

3.       Work through the qualifying criteria and make sure you understand them against the relevant acts and legislation

4.       Use of additional study material is advisable but optional

5.       Repeat step 3 as many times as necessary to store the factual knowledge in the long term memory

Why all the aggravation to write exams anyway? I mean, what's the point? Maybe this article will help clear things up:
The JSE was mildly negative at the start of the trading session on today:
This thought ever cross your mind?

Sunday 20 May 2012

Sorry, couldn't resist!
Resolve to sign for your FAIS Act exam this week, and if you need any help with the studying call us: 011 608 2590
Don't know what to study?
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value." Alan Greenspan

Saturday 19 May 2012

Interesting quote...quite applicable to the world of finance don't you think?
"I'm involved in the stock market, which is fun and, sometimes, very painful."
Regis Philbin
If you're on LinkedIn, why not connect with us there?
Have you written your FAIS Act regulatory exams yet? The FSB has confirmed that there will be NO EXTENSION on the deadline. Contact us asap!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Planning for Retirement

Saving for retirement has become a major necessity for individuals from every socio-economic group. Due to high living expenses and the decrease in salary increase levels, more and more people find themselves unable to cope with their lifestyles after retirement due to poor planning.


The following article is an advice piece written by Gareth Stokes from the Mail and Guardian to help give individuals that step up needed to maintain a comfortable retirement.


The main reasons for saving include creating a buffer against unforeseen expenses and covering future liabilities such as your children's education and retirement.


One of the main obstacles to saving is the propensity of South African consumers to spend. A proliferation of credit options in recent years and mortgages and hire-purchase agreements resulted in the household debt-to-income ratio surging close to 80% of income.


During National Savings Month, financial industry stakeholders are calling upon South Africans to resist the urge to spend and focus instead on saving. Wilhelm Janse van Vuuren, a wealth manager at FNB Private Clients, says you should make a distinction between savings and investments.


"Savings," he says, "can be seen as short-term measures to cover the events already mentioned, while investments fall into your long-term plan for retirement." He says an early start to saving is essential in both instances.


The July 2010 Old Mutual Savings Monitor, which surveys the savings habits of 1 000 metro families in the LSM6 (living standards measure) to LSM10 categories, reveals that those who undertake long-range financial planning end up saving more.


The best way to prepare for retirement is to gain a full understanding of your future financial needs at an early stage. Most financial planners suggest you begin planning for your retirement five to 10 years before your intended retirement date.


A comprehensive financial review will enable you to assess the contribution each of your savings initiatives will make to your eventual retirement capital.


There are three golden rules to making adequate capital provisions. The first is to save 15% of your gross salary consistently over your working life. The second is to preserve your pension benefits each time you change employment. And the third is to secure the services of a competent financial adviser before retirement.


You should also avoid the common mistake of neglecting aspects of financial planning during your retirement. How much should an individual squirrel away for retirement? There's no easy answer to this question because of the complex variables at play before and during retirement.


The inputs to the retirement savings equation include the time to retirement, forecast investment returns, likely levels of inflation and life expectancy, among others. "The answer varies depending on these base assumptions," says Rian le Roux, an economist at Old Mutual Investment Group SA.


"The only conclusion one can draw is most South Africans save way too little." But economists are always ready for a challenge. To illustrate the uncertainties in the retirement saving process Le Roux described a "bare bones" retirement scenario.


Assuming no inflation, zero wage increases and zero investment return, an individual who worked for 35 years, retired at age 60 and wanted to draw 75% of his pre-retirement salary for another 25 years would have to save R54 of each R100 earned. Of course, you can only apply such an example to a modern-day Robinson Crusoe.


In the real world you have to allow for inflation at around 6% a year, annual wage increases of 9% (assuming career progress) and a conservative 3% a year real investment return. Under this scenario -- assuming the saver decides to draw only 6.5% of available retirement capital as income in the first year -- an individual saving 13% of income for 35 years would retire with only 32% of his final pre-retirement income. A real return of just 3% might not be enough.


Rob Formby, director of retail operations at Allan Gray, says the role of real investment return in retirement savings cannot be emphasised enough. Investment performance in excess of inflation contributes to effective long-term savings.


Assuming you save 12% of your income over 35 years to ensure a comfortable retirement, each 1% improvement in overall investment performance increases your postretirement income by 31%. The huge improvement demonstrates the magic of compound interest -- the interest (return) earned on interest in your retirement funds.


A successful retirement saver requires discipline. Apart from preserving funds when changing jobs, you need to behave like an investor. Research confirms the performance of an average investor in a fund tends to lag the performance of the fund by some margin. This is largely caused by emotional and inappropriate short-term decisions, such as switching from one investment option to another to chase past performance, caused by panic or being overly conservative.


"Try not to undermine a long-term saving approach with short-term, emotional investment decisions," says Formby. Another mistake savers make is to follow an investment direction even if it's not particularly logical. "This is well illustrated by a study that shows fund flows as a percentage of assets against fund performance," says Formby.


Investors tend to sell when the market is low and buy when it is high or rising. In other words, the appetite to buy increases as the price of the product goes up. Saving is driven by the "herd" mentality. The very low levels of household saving (actually negative when expressed as a percentage of GDP) exhibited in South Africa are a reflection of the preference for consumption

expenditure over saving. "


For a portion of our population there is no option of saving; for the rest, saving is an option, yet they still often elect to follow the crowd and spend, even though the consequences at retirement are devastating," he says.


The Old Mutual Savings Monitor confirms this view Individuals with higher incomes are saving less this year than last. There is also an inverse relationship between the economy and savings activity.


Leon Campher, chief executive of the Association of Savings and Investments SA, says: "When consumers believe their income prospects are improving as a result of favourable economic conditions, better jobs and rising house prices, they tend to save less."


Elias Masilela, a board member at the South African Savings Institute (Sasi), says that, on a per-income basis, low-income earners are better savers than their wealthier counterparts. "There is one fundamental reason why this is the case and that is lowincome earners don't have access to credit," he says.


South Africa's poor live within their means and their financial planning process centres on the income they actually generated in a particular month. Three years ago Sasi conducted research into savings patterns among low-income families.


The study showed the preferred method of saving was by investing in housing, followed by investing in their children, basic bank accounts and pooled investments, such as stokvels, NGOs, women’s groups and similar organisations.


"By delaying ‘saving for tomorrow' in favour of ‘spending for today' a saver is gambling that they will be able to make up any shortcomings at a later date," says Formby. These individuals fall further behind the retirement curve with each passing year.


"Many discover far too late they are underprovided and will have to work way past normal retirement age," says Le Roux. Late starters also face an increased risk of being lured in by a "get rich quick" scheme. Saving for retirement is about starting early, saving conscientiously and maintaining discipline.


Note: In order to help plan your retirement well from a young age, it is recommended that you make use of the advice given by a well trained Financial Service provider. In South Africa, FSP’s must complete training in compliance with the FAIS Act, which regulates the profession, so advice given will be helpful in dealing with your unique situation.


The Learn Café provides training to individuals and groups looking to become compliant with the FAIS Act. The courses and training are dedicated to getting the client ready to successfully complete the FAIS Regulatory Examination (Level 1).


To learn more about how to effectively develop skills that will aid you in becoming a Financial Advisor, visit The Learn Cafe’s dedicated FAIS Training website to sign up and focus on preparing for the Level 1 FAIS Regulatory Exam, which is designed for Key Individuals and Representatives.


Only 7 weeks till the FAIS Act deadline! Are you compliant?
Pop question: What is your take on the renaming of Pretoria streets?
So, what's for lunch?
SA multinationals considering investing in Kenya and other parts of Africa stand to fall into a potential tax trap

Tuesday 15 May 2012

"I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts: financial worries."
Jules Renard
It's getting colder these days isn't it? Do you think we'll experience load shedding again?
Are the lights going to stay on this winter?
If you have any questions, queries, breaking news, or insomnia, why not pop us a tweet @TheLearnCafe !
How is Joe Public meant to save when the government keeps burdening us with rising prices, higher taxes & tolls? Really!

Monday 14 May 2012

Hmm, what do you think of this quote: "For the merchant, even honesty is a financial speculation." - Charles Baudelaire
How do you usually study?
a) Full force from day one!
b) Last night cramming!
c) Ag...skim through it...
Have you written your FAIS exams yet? If so, good for you! If not...GET MOVING!
Asian shares fell on today after weekend talks to form a new Greek government failed.

Sunday 13 May 2012

A picture says a thousand words...why should I ruin it with a caption?
Mom, you've held onto my hand for a while, but now I am growing up. But just remember, you will always hold on to my heart, forever. Forever there will be love!
"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
- Tenneva Jordan
So, did you get breakfast in bed today?

Saturday 12 May 2012

Flowers for Mothers Day! From the Learncafe!
If you need any investment help, these guys will sort you out! :D
"Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
John D. Rockefeller
Study, study, study...sound like a stuck record don't I?
Hmm...somehow I can't help but shake the feeling that tax-payers will be the losers at the end of the day anyway...

Friday 11 May 2012

Studying yet? Study hard today, so that you can take tomorrow off and spoil your mother! :)
If you're studying this weekend, keep it up!
Says costs related to delays in e-tolls won’t affect budget...

Thursday 10 May 2012

"As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity and economic growth will follow recession." Bo Bennett
Need help? Check out our website and fill in the form!
Thinking solutions: what do you think is the solution to the e-tolling crisis? People need to be happy and the debt needs
Ever wondered how they come up with these fuel prices?

Wednesday 9 May 2012

"I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race." Honore de Balzac
...ouch, what do you say to that? :P
"As a novelist, I tell stories and people give me money. Then financial planners tell me stories and I give them money." Martin Cruz Smith
Will he be able to save the day? And in whose interest?
He he, did you get the answer to our Wednesday Riddle? Well here it is:
Our Wednesday Riddle!
What goes up and down stairs without moving?


Tuesday 8 May 2012

"I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it's possible." Milton Friedman
"Any informed borrower is simply less vulnerable to fraud and abuse."
Alan Greenspan
Still don't know what we do? Check it out:
So, how are you celebrating International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day?
That's the trouble with democracy, the moment you get a plan together, someone else get's elected and rocks the boat...

Monday 7 May 2012

Happy Red Cross & Red Crescent Day! Celebrated on 8 May each year since 1948, on the birthday of founder Henry Dunant
"All money is a matter of belief."
Adam Smith
Oh, I thought they sucked their thumbs while playing pin the donkey to determine fuel prices! ;D
FAQ: Who has the Learncafe trained? Watch the video for the answer:
A look at the week ahead - it's going to be an interesting week.

Sunday 6 May 2012

Ah, don't you just "love" Mondays? Good old 5 day week again...sure didn't miss it. :P
You can almost count the hours to the FSB deadline, have you written your exam yet? Call us: 011 608 2590
So, the e-toll gates have been interdicted...where does that leave us?
Real Estate Investment Bubble Bursts!
"A moderate addiction to money may not always be hurtful; but when taken in excess it is nearly always bad for the health." Clarence Day

Saturday 5 May 2012

Let go and live! Literally!
"A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life." Suze Orman
We specialize in preparing candidates for the FAIS Act Exams...check out our Workshop Calendar for dates:
South Africa’s total new vehicle sales increased by 6.4% year-on-year to 52 356 units in February,

Friday 4 May 2012

How are fuel prices determined?


With recent increases in the price of crude oil, and the increase in disputes over the taxes being implemented in South Africa over the past year, many citizens have become angered, and have become increasingly aware of the need to know exactly where tax money is going, and how that fits into the price of petrol that is used.

The taxes paid by the public on fuel such as petrol and diesel are used each year as part of the infrastructure budget, which is used to build and upgrade roads around the country. (The percentage of the total price that is set aside for tax is explained in the below information provided by Sasol on the structuring of prices.)

Components that affect prices include:

International petroleum market spot prices

Freight, Demurrage, Insurance & Losses

The largest component of the basic fuels price is the price that one would be paying on international markets when physically importing product to South Africa. The FOB (Free on ship’s board) product prices from different locations in the world, based on international product availability and product quality, are used. The petrol FOB price is calculated as 50% of the Mediterranean spot price for Premium unleaded petrol and 50% of the Singapore spot price for 95 Octane unleaded petrol. For the FOB price of Diesel, the BFP formula use spot prices calculated as 50% of the Mediterranean price for Gas oil and 50% of the Arab Gulf price for Gas oil, plus the quoted spot price market premiums applicable.

Freight cost to bring product to South African ports

The freight component of the BFP reflects the cost of voyages from Augusta (in the Mediterranean), Singapore and Mina-al-Ahmadi (in the Arab Gulf), in 50:50 combinations as appropriate to the international markets used in the FOB calculations of the products concerned. Tariffs as published by the World Scale Association for transporting refined products via medium- range vessels to a weighted average for South African coastal ports, plus demurrage for an average 35 000 ton vessel for 3 days, adjusted with the Average Freight Rate Assessment (AFRA) of the London Tanker Brokers Panel, plus a market premium for transporting fuels to South Africa.

Insurance costs

Calculated as 0.15% of the product FOB and freight costs, to cover insurance cost, as well as other costs such as letters of credit, surveyors’ and agents’ fees, and laboratory costs.

Ocean loss allowance

In international petroleum products trading, shipping and insurance, a loss of 0.3% for products has been accepted as a normal leakage/clingage and evaporation loss. Simply put, this means that the “normal” loss is not insurable and has to be accepted by the buyer. The buyer therefore has a financial loss of 0.3% of FOB, Insurance and Freight costs.

Cargo Dues

The BFP calculates Cargo Due charges in terms of the ruling National Ports Authority of South Africa “contract” tariffs for “petroleum products”.

Coastal Storage

This element allows recovering of the costs realistically incurred in a substantial import scenario, related to costs of the handling facilities at coastal terminals providing storage.

Stock Financing Cost

The BFP includes a charge for the financing of 25 day’s coastal stock of an importer, at an interest rate of 2 percentage points below the ruling prime rate of the Standard Bank of South Africa.

The BFP as determined above is converted to SA cents per litre by applying the applicable SA Rand/US Dollar exchange rate (four banks selling rates at eleven o’ clock averaged over the pricing period before the price change), and a constant litre per gallon factor of 3.8038 for petrol.

2. Domestic Elements

To arrive at the final pump price in the different pricing zones (magisterial district zones) certain domestic transport costs, government imposts, taxes and levies and retail and wholesale margins needs to be added to the international price.

a. Transport costs (Zone differential)

Keeping in mind the import principle used, this element recovers the cost of transporting petroleum products from the nearest coastal harbour (Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London, Mossel Bay or Cape Town) to the inland depot serving the area or zone. Transport to the different pricing zones are determined by using the most economical mode of transport i.e. pipelines (C zones), road (B zones) or rail (A zones). This is the only element which values differ per pricing zone, and is the reason why the petrol price is not the same for the whole country.

b. Delivery costs (Service differential)

This element compensates marketers for actual depot related costs (storage and handling) and distribution costs from the depot to the end user at service stations. The value is calculated on actual historical costs of the previous year, averaged over the country and industry.

c. Wholesale (Marketing) margin

Money paid to the oil company through whose branded pump the product is sold, to compensate for marketing activities. This margin is controlled by the government, allowing for changes based on the oil companies’ return on their marketing assets.

The formula used to determine the wholesale margin is based on the results of a cost/financial investigation by a chartered accountant firm into the profitability of the wholesale marketers. The level of the margin is calculated on an industry basis and is aimed at granting marketers a return of 15% on depreciated book values of assets, with allowance for additional depreciation, but before tax and payment of interest.

d. Retail margin

The retail margin is fixed by DME and is determined on the basis of actual costs incurred by the service station operator in distributing petrol. Account is taken of all proportionate driveway related costs such as rental, interest, labour, overheads and profit. The way in which the margin is determined creates an incentive to dealers to strive towards greater efficiency, to beat the average and to realise a net profit proportionate to their efficiency.

e. Equalisation Fund levy

The statutory fund levy is a fixed monetary levy, and the fund is regulated by ministerial directives issued by the Minister of Mineral and Energy Affairs in concurrence with the Minister of Finance, as laid down by the Central Energy Fund Act, No 38 of 1977 as amended In terms of Ministerial Directives the Fund is principally utilised to smooth out fluctuations in the price of liquid fuels through slate payments; to afford synfuel producers tariff protection and to finance the crude oil “premium (price differential applicable to SA oil purchases during the late 1970’s).

f. Fuel tax

Tax levied by Government annually adjusted by the Minister of Finance effective from the price change in April of each year, announced in the Minister of Finance in his annual budget speech.

g. Customs & Excise levy

A duty collected in terms of the Customs Union agreement.

h. Road Accident Fund (RAF)

The Road Accident Fund receives a fixed value which is used to compensate third party victims in motor accidents.

i. Slate levy

A levy paid by the motorists recovering money “owed” to the oil companies, due to the time delay in the adjustment of the petrol pump price.

You may now have a number of questions including:

Who sets and controls the fuel price?

The petrol retail price is regulated by government, and changed every month on the first Wednesday of the month. The calculation of the new price is done by Central Energy Fund (CEF) on behalf of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME).

As the BFP is used by the government as the transfer price between refining and marketing in the price build-up for petrol retail price control, South African refineries are price-takers. Neither the local refineries nor the government has any control over changes in this element, as it is based on international petrol prices. It also means that South African refineries have to compete with very large and efficient international refineries, based in Singapore, the Mediterranean and the Arabian Gulf.

Margin and transport element changes are based on actual cost incurred by the South African industry and are calculated according to specific formula ensuring efficiency in operations. These changes have to be approved by the Minister of Minerals and Energy before it is allowed into the price.

What drives international petrol prices?

Essentially, prices are driven by supply and demand for petrol in a particular market. Additionally crude oil prices have a major effect on the petrol prices. A crude oil refinery’s biggest input cost is crude oil. In order for a refinery to make a profit, the price for the product manufactured from crude oil has to be higher than that of the crude oil price. When crude oil prices increase – as they have over the past number of months – the petrol price must increase so that crude oil refineries are able to cover their own costs.

While the above scenario is relevant to Natref, a joint venture between Sasol and Total that refines crude oil into liquid fuels, crude oil prices do not influence Sasol Synfuels because their input cost is that of coal. The capital cost of Sasol Synfuels is however, much higher than that of a conventional crude oil refinery.

Because both crude oil and international petrol prices are dollar-based, any weakening of the SA rand / US dollar exchange rate will also increase the domestic petrol price.

What effect does the petrol price have on Sasol’s business?

Depending on the increase in the petrol price relative to crude oil, the impact of the higher petrol price on Natref could be negative, neutral or positive. For Sasol Synfuels a rise will always be positive and a decline negative.

Why are the Sasol branded fuel not cheaper, being a local company producing fuel from coal?

Sasol Synfuels produce about 30% of the country’s fuel from coal, the rest on the petrol are produced in conventional crude refineries – having to import crude oil and refine it into petrol. Sasol Synfuels produced petrol, are also subjected to petrol retail price control as stipulated in the Petroleum Products Act, and we therefore cannot sell it at a price different to the regulated retail price. This petrol price regulation means that the petrol pump price at all service stations in a pricing area must be the same, and no discounting is allowed.

"I really want people to know that I’ve worked hard, very hard, to get to where I am today..this didn’t just happen overnight. I started in business over 25 years ago and have found a way to build on what I’ve learned through every partnership and opportunity."
Magic Johnson
If you haven't written your exams yet, and haven't registered. Perhaps you should give us a call...011 608 2590
Ever wondered how fuel prices are determined? Check this out:
Growing confidence in African economies has more than doubled foreign direct investment into the continent.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Wow, what a "looong" week! :)
Don't you just love South African public holidays!
"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself..Because it’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential." Barack Obama
For any questions, please refer to our FAQ videos on Youtube:
Otherwise give us a call: 011 608 2590
Today we would like to introduce you to Mike Strohman, an excellent facilitator and presenter on our Youtube Channel.
South Africa lending prudently -

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Can you believe it?!
"Our mission statement about treating people with respect and dignity is not just words but a creed we live by every day. You can't expect your employees to exceed the expectations of your customers if you don't exceed the employees' expectations of management." Howard Schultz
House prices on the increase?
He he, how was that riddle? Here's the answer. (you're going to kick yourself!)
Here's a brain teaser for you:
Remove six letters from this sequence to reveal a familiar English word. BSAINXLEATNTEARS

Got it?

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Watch out for our brain teaser later on!
If you haven't written your exams yet, and haven't registered. Perhaps you should give us a call...011 608 2590
"Each of us has much more hidden inside us than we have had a chance to explore. Unless we create an environment that enables us to discover the limits of our potential, we will never know what we have inside of us." Muhammad Yunus
We specialize in preparing candidates for the FAIS Act Exams...check out our Workshop Calendar for dates:
What does a full tank of petrol (or diesel) cost you? How far does it get you? A 50l tank filled to the brim is worth R611.00 in Gauteng!
Don't forget, the fuel price is going up again tonight! Where is this going to end? R15/litre? More?

Monday 30 April 2012

Ah, so nice to have another day hard yesterday? ;)
"The greatest good we can do for others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs." ZigZiglar
Your credibility is measured by your track record, and for us it's no different:
If you haven't written your exams yet, and haven't registered. Perhaps you should give us a call...011 608 2590
Shares gain...

Sunday 29 April 2012

So, are you one of the lucky ones or unlucky ones today?
We specialize in preparing candidates for the FAIS Act Exams...check out our Workshop Calendar for dates:
So much is set to happen this week...SANRAL & OUTA battle it out in court on Monday; Cosatu strikes; fuel hike again...what's news by you?
If you have any questions related to the FAIS Act exams, please see our FAQ videos on the subject.
"Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice."

Saturday 28 April 2012 Be encouraged!
Don't get caught sleeping!
"I choose to rise up out of that storm and see that in moments of desperation, fear, and helplessness, each of us can be a rainbow of hope, doing what we can to extend ourselves in kindness and grace to one another. And I know for sure that there is no them..there's only us."
Oprah Winfrey
If you're a financial advisor, and haven't written the FAIS act exams, Call @TheLearnCafe asap!
I wonder what Cosatu and the ANC discussed behind those closed doors to delay the e-tolling? Did they threaten, or did they bribe? Or what?

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Feels like Friday, hey?
"In financing growing companies, we always looked for human value that didn’t appear on the balance sheet.. the quality of management, especially its entrepreneurial drive."
Michael Milken
More hikes...Hmm, what's the opportunity here, invest in horses?
And the answer to our 10am riddle is...Andrew of course ;) Have a nice day!
Time for our Riddle of the week, it's a bit too long to post here, so check it out at this link:

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Good morning! So, will you be protesting the e-toll?
"Business social responsibility should not be coerced; it is a voluntary decision that the entrepreneurial leadership of every company must make on its own."
John Mackey
Less than 10 weeks left...10...
think about it...
Have you ever been on Google+ ? Well, when you try it some day, let's "hangout" :)
Rand goes against the tide

Sunday 22 April 2012

You pitched up for work again! Relax, only 4 days to the weekend!
"I'm not sure I knew what an entrepreneur was when I was ten, but I knew that starting little businesses...there's just something very intriguing to me about that."
Steve Case
Here's an interesting thought, e-tolls are terrible for consumers, but what effect would it have on markets if they get scrapped?
Earth Day 2012, how are YOU making a difference?
Only 10 weeks to the deadline! Book your exam asap!

Saturday 21 April 2012

May you have a blessed day!
ROFL! This is hilarious! :D
"The entrepreneur builds an enterprise; the technician builds a job."
Michael Gerber
What are you doing today? Studying? Good for you! Only 10 weeks left!
What do you think is REALLY going to be happening next week? I mean with the e-tolls? Rumours of truck blockades, Cosatu strikes...

Friday 20 April 2012

Enjoy your Saturday!
"I knew there was a way out. I knew there was another kind of life because I had read about it. I knew there were other places, and there was another way of being."
Oprah Winfrey
Bank execs looking for work during a recession...funny and sad
Budget - Save - Invest
Interesting how North Korea gets flack, but India gets ignored?

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Check our FAQs on our youtube channel if you have any questions relating to the FAIS Act:
"I have learned the novice can often see things that the expert overlooks. All that is necessary is not to be afraid of making mistakes, or of appearing naive."
Abraham Maslow
Did you get the riddle? The answer is... Iceberg! Have a nice evening! :D
And our riddle for today, an easy it is:

Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.
The JSE has...frozen?

Tuesday 17 April 2012

We provide comprehensive training to prepare you for the FAIS Act Exams...sign up now, before it's too late!
Investing, interest, money...what's the catch?
If you've written your FAIS Act exams and passed, Congrats! But if you haven' better hurry, you only have a few weeks left!
For quick support drop us a tweet @TheLearnCafe
World economies suppress JSE

Sunday 15 April 2012

He he, the picture says it all! :D
If you are in the financial services world in South Africa, you need to write the FAIS Act exams. Email us for more:
[Sigh]...this weekend seems so short now...
Ever wanted to invest? It can be tricky if you don't have the right guidance...
"Part of our essential humanity is paying respect to what God gave us and what will be here a long time after we're gone." Bill Clinton

Saturday 14 April 2012

Keep it up!
"Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right."
Dr Phil
Ha ha!
If you have any questions check out our FAQ videos on Youtube; if you don't get the answers you need, email us
I just saw this video for the first time yesterday, and was completely floored! Check it out:

Friday 13 April 2012

Don't let the studies get you down! You can do it!
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."
Mark Twain
Do you know if you need to write the FAIS Act Exams? Watch this video to find out:
Just uploaded a video in YouTube. Check:
So you've got all this studying and stress required of you...ever wondered why this was all thought to be necessary?

Thursday 12 April 2012

Don't let your nightmare look like this! Call us: +27 11 608 2590
How are you dealing with the fuel hikes? Tips?
Let @TheLearnCafe help you if you're struggling, we've got all the material and support you need! 011 608 2590
Our employee to introduce this week is, Chantal Fourie, our Learning Experience Creator.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Just a gentle reminder of what lies ahead if you don't get moving now...
"Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you."
Dr Phil
Rand recoups but still under pressure
The answer for our riddle is of course "Gold". Did you get it?
Major Earthquake in Indonesia - Tsunami warning! @ewnreporter @RediTlhabi
Oops, almost forgot! Our riddle for today:

I drive men mad
For love of me,
Easily beaten,
Never free.

What am I? (no googling! :D )

Tuesday 10 April 2012

What day is it? Feels like Tuesday doesn't it? :D
"The major difference between the big shot and the little shot is the big shot is just a little shot who kept on shooting." ZigZiglar
Have you booked your FAIS Act exams yet?
Transnet raises debt to fund capital expenditure
"Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish."
Sam Walton

Monday 9 April 2012

Don't hold back!
"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work." Oprah Winfrey
What is the Learncafe's track record?
When you study with Learncafe you have the options of either e-learning or workshops - whatever works best for you!
Guess what, you're not at work today!

Sunday 8 April 2012

Friday 6 April 2012

Thursday 5 April 2012

The Learncafe would like to wish all our Christian friends a blessed Easter!

What is Learncafe's track record?


One of the things we often get asked is "Who are you currently training, who have you trained, and how well are those guys doing after they've gone through your learning material, and your workshops..." 


"I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among men the greatest asset I possess. The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement." Charles Schwab
So, where are you going this weekend? Just please be safe on the roads!
And now to introduce you to another one of our excellent staff members:
Cecile Dick – Financial Director:
European Central Bank says eurozone could falter

Tuesday 3 April 2012

We specialize in helping you pass the FAIS Act Exams. Call us if you want to join one of our workshops: +27 11 608 2590
"You only get out of it what you put into it. If you are a sheep in this world, you're not going to get much out of it." Greg Norman
Have a nice evening, and don't forget to fill up before the price hike tonight!
If you have any questions, drop us a tweet
How is it that ABSA's CEO, Maria Ramos, accepts a raise at a time when ABSA "reorganises" to cut costs?

Sunday 1 April 2012

Saturday 31 March 2012

Did you hear, they also took the word "gullible" out of the Dictionary? Happy April Fools Day!
Guess what! Parliament has repealed the FAIS Act! No more exams yippeee!!!
Sit af daai ligte! (translated: switch off those lights!) :P
So, it's Earth Hour tonight...will you be switching off at 8h30pm?
If you have any questions regarding the Learncafe, feel free to watch our FAQ videos on youtube:
Interesting how you can fill a stadium when 30 men have a brawl, but when there's protests against e-tolls etc, no-one has the time...

Friday 30 March 2012

Hey, it's Saturday, you've got every right to smash that alarm clock! :D
"We aren't going to let any mace stop us..."
Martin Luther King Jr
From an economic and affordability perspective do you think NHI is a good idea? R1 Billion for the pilot project?
If you want to invest, you first need to budget...agreed?
BRICS look to start a development bank:

Thursday 29 March 2012

Long term, do you think governments going into debt to stimulate an economy in recession is a good idea?
If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to tweet us @TheLearnCafe - we will always try our best to help!
We though it might be nice to introduce you to some of our staff. Our Managing Director: Lita Van Schalkwyk:
NEWS: Rand steady over night

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Sign up for your FAIS Act training workshop...before it's too late!
"Perhaps my most important goal is to create a million millionaires." Mark Victor Hansen
If you have any questions about your studies don't hesitate to ask. Pop us tweet @TheLearnCafe or on Facebook
Here's an interesting study on sleeping after studying...what do you think?

Monday 26 March 2012

"Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that's exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking." Anita Roddick
"My son is now an "entrepreneur." That's what you're called when you don't have a job."
Ted Turner
Welcome to Learncafe...Lita van Schalkwyk speaks!
If you want to pass your FAIS Act exams first time, contact us! And this isn't an empty brag - just check our track record on Facebook.
JSE down...slightly

Friday 23 March 2012

Go Sharks Go! You can do it!!!
"When you're a self-made man you start very early in life. In my case it was at nine years old when I started bringing income into the family. You get a drive that's a little different, maybe a little stronger, than somebody who inherited." Kirk Kerkorian
Making sense of the eurozone debt crisis:
So, who are you supporting for the weekend? Waratahs vs Sharks? Crusaders vs Cheetahs? Bulls vs Reds? Lions vs Stormers?

To invest you need to save; to save you need to budget


In the tough financial times that have been occurring all over the world for the past few years, one of the most important things to do, on both a personal and business level, is to set up and constantly update your financial budget. A budget, however loosely or stringently it is applied, can help you manage your funds in such a way that you are able to find extra funds by planning your bills and outgoing money more carefully.


Doing this will allow you to see they amounts you spend on various items right down to the exact cents, which means that, whatever you have left after your bills have been paid will be your savings to do with what you please. It is important, if you want to set up a proper budget, to list every single item you plan on reserving money for. Whether it is a bond on your house, car payment, cellphone bill, petrol expenses for the month, groceries, and even daily lunch fees and/or cigarette purchases.


Using exact amounts is not always possible for things like petrol, for example. The easiest way to establish that is then to work out an average and add a few hundred Rand to the amount. That way, if you over budget, it just means that you have extra money to spend on other things, but under budgeting will mean that you may fall short in other areas.


The budget you stick to will help tremendously if you are trying to save extra cash for a holiday, or if you are trying to work your way out of a tight situation, as you will usually find that by planning in this way, you will have money to spend that you never thought you had.


Doing this by yourself, as opposed to employing a financial advisor or speaking to a bank manager (both of whom will most likely do exactly the same thing, whether for your personal account or for business) you also cut out further costs, and practice will help you understand the financial world just a little bit better.


The Learn Café offers training to financial service providers looking to gain accreditation through the regulatory exams set up by the FAIS Act, and are looking for compliance in the act, which will allow them to practice legally in the field. For information on what the examinations entail, or for what to expect out of your financial service provider, visit the Learn Café website or send an e-mail for further enquiries.